Friday, December 30, 2011


I haven't felt like updating in a while because things keep changing & it was getting difficult to keep up with the roller coaster. Everything is settled now, so I'll clue you in. Ember's surgery has been moved AGAIN, now it's on January 19th. I'm thrilled to have it on Thursday instead of Friday, and the surgeon's office has pre-certified the date so this time it seems like it will stick. Also, we finally got everything figured out insurance-wise & she is now approved for the secondary insurance for her surgery. That's HUGE to us because today is Ryan's last day of work, he starts student teaching on Monday & we will be living off of savings for the next 5-ish months. The extra financial help for the surgery takes a huge load off of us - me in particular, as the financial executive of the family. :)

I've been talking to Ember about the surgery, she seems really comfortable with the whole thing, of course I don't think she gets that she'll really be in pain, but I have explained to her that she'll wake up with an owie & the nurses will have medicine for her if it hurts too much. She mostly seems excited about all the cool amenities at the hospital, and that's totally fine with me.

As for the mom stress, it's been really easy to keep my mind off the surgery for the most part 'cause I've been concentrating on the holidays & all that comes with them. Now that Christmas is over I just can't stop thinking about it. I'm kind of freaking out, and I have a feeling it's only going to get worse over the next 20 days.

Please keep praying for my baby & for her surgeons, Dr. Sami & Dr. Shah. Thanks!