Tuesday, October 14, 2008

we have a date

Ember's surgery is scheduled for Thursday, November 6th. We have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am, and surgery will start at 7:30. It's a 4 hour surgery, but the plastic surgeon said that 2 hours of that is anesthesia. She'll spend the first night in the pediatric ICU, and then if all goes well she'll be sent to the regular pediatric floor the next day. They expect her to spend 3 nights total, which means she should be able to go home sometime that Sunday - of course it depends on her progress. We have another visit with the neurosurgeon next Tuesday, figure out when to go to the blood bank, and that's it! Then we just wait for the 6th to roll around. I still haven't gotten her infant pictures taken and I really want to do that before the surgery so that is high on the to-do list. I want to make sure her pics are taken in her "original form." I have no doubts about the surgery at all, I KNOW this is what I want to do for her and I am positive that this is the decision she would make for herself. Oddly enough though, I feel a little strange and really kind of sad about changing the way she looks. I've looked at that face every day (and several times each night) for 3 months and I think it's absolutely perfect. She's gorgeous exactly how she is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is absolutely gorgeous, but she would (and will) be in any form. I'll be praying for all of you during this challenging time.